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    Audio Sermons by Mr. Raymond C. Cole

    1. The Mixed Multitude (WSE-RC A; 11 sermons)2. How Much of the Bible Is Binding Upon Christians Today? (WSE-RC B; 8 sermons)3. Change (WSE-RC C; 7 sermons)4. Divine Revelation (WSE-RC D; 8 sermons)5. The Proverbs (WSE-RC E; 15 sermons)6. What Is the Work? (WSE-RC F; 2 sermons)7. Church Government (WSE-RC G; 6 sermons)8. The Holy Days Are Binding Today (WSE-RC H; 7 sermons)9. The Three Minds (WSE-RC I; 8 sermons)10. You Must Continue Your Beginning Confidence (WSE-RC J; 2 sermons)11. What Is the Purpose of Prophecy? (WSE-RC K; 21 sermons)12. All About Judgment (WSE-RC L; 15 sermons)13. 1976 Pre-Passover Examination (WSE-RC O)14. How to Sustain Inspiration From the Holy Days (WSE-RC P)15. Have We Learned to Live With One Another? (WSE-RC Q; 3 sermons)16. Spiritual Growth (WSE-RC R; 2 sermons)17. Babylon the Great (WSE-RC S; 6 sermons)18. Our Course Out of Egypt (WSE-RC T; 4 sermons)

    The History of God's Dealing With Man (Series; Mr. Raymond C. Cole)

    13. Patriarchal Period (WSE-RC M-1-2; 2 sermons)14. Israel and the Judges (WSE-RC M-3-4; 2 sermons)15. The United Kingdom (WSE-RC M-5-8; 4 sermons)16. The Kingdom of Israel (WSE-RC M-9-17; 9 sermons)17. The Kingdom of Judah (WSE-RC M-18-40; 23 sermons)18. The Prophetic Period (WSE-RC M-41-82; 42 sermons)19. Prophets and Prophecies (WSE-RC M-83-95; 13 sermons)

    Persecution, Trial and Tribulation (Series; Mr. Raymond C. Cole)

    20. Persecution in the Hebrew Texts (WSE-RC N-1-4; 4 sermons)21. Trials and Refinement in the Hebrew Texts (WSE-RC N-5-14; 10 sermons)22. Tribulation in the Hebrew Texts (WSE-RC N-15-25; 11 sermons)23. Trials and Persecution in the Greek Texts (WSE-RC N-26-30; 5 sermons)24. Summary (WSE-RC N-31)

    Weekly Sabbath Sermons by Mr. Raymond C. Cole

    31. Anti-Church of God Literature (WSE-RC 1; 5 sermons)32. The Hope of the Resurrection (WSE-RC 2)33. A Panoramic Sketch of II Timothy (WSE-RC 3)34. Galatians (WSE-RC 4; 7 sermons)35. Judgment: When and by Whom? (WSE-RC 5)36. What Are the Basic Requirements for Salvation? (WSE-RC 6)37. Christian Principles of Child Rearing (WSE-RC 7; 6 sermons)38. Looking Forward to the New Year (WSE-RC 8; 2 sermons)39. What We Should Believe and Practice (WSE-RC 9)40. Prepare Now for 1979 (WSE-RC 10)41. A Warning to All Christians (WSE-RC 11; 2 sermons)42. Conceptions by Which God's Word Is Denied (WSE-RC 12; 11 sermons)43. Satan, the God of This World (WSE-RC 13; 6 sermons)44. Can You Know the Truth? (WSE-RC 14; 2 sermons)45. The Hope of Tomorrow (WSE-RC 15)46. Doubt: A Frailty of the Human Mind (WSE-RC 16; 2 sermons)47. The Tongue—An Awesome Responsibility (WSE-RC 17; 5 sermons)48. What Are the Works of God? (WSE-RC 18; 7 sermons)49. The Art of Listening (WSE-RC 19; 3 sermons)50. Satan's Kingdom and the Purposeful Creation of Man (WSE-RC 20; 2 sermons)51. The Significance of the Feast of Trumpets (WSE-RC 21; 3 sermons)52. Who Asked You? (WSE-RC 22; 2 sermons)53. Hope—Its Purpose, Power and Potential (WSE-RC 23; 5 sermons)54. The Three Tests of Christ (WSE-RC 24; 6 sermons)55. Exploitation of Social Issues/Godly Work Ethic (WSE-RC 25; 5 sermons)56. The Technicalities of Divorce and Remarriage (WSE-RC 26; 5 sermons)57. Resolve to Live the Faith (WSE-RC 27; 15 sermons)58. What Will Passover Mean to You This Year? (WSE-RC 28)59. Your Help Is Vitally Needed! (WSE-RC 29)60. Signposts of Success (WSE-RC 30; 2 sermons)61. Where Has All the Joy Gone? (WSE-RC 31; 2 sermons)62. Create Peace or Strife? (WSE-RC 32; 3 sermons)63. Compromise (WSE-RC 33)64. Use Feast Experience as a Foundation for Future Growth (WSE-RC 34; 2 sermons)65. What Does It Mean to Walk in the Spirit? (WSE-RC 36; 2 sermons)66. What Is the Natural Body? (WSE-RC 37; 28 sermons)67. 1987 Pre-Passover: Learn From the Past (WSE-RC 38)68. Confrontations and Responses of Jesus Christ (WSE-RC 39; 31 sermons)69. Whatsoever Is Not of Faith Is Sin (WSE-RC 40)70. Who and What Is This Person Called Christ? (WSE-RC 41; 5 sermons)71. How to Resolve Marital Difficulties (WSE-RC 42)72. Prepare Now for Passover (WSE-RC 43; 2 sermons)73. Capitalize on the Feast Experience (WSE-RC 44; 2 sermons)74. Can We Endure? (WSE-RC 45)75. Marriage and Separation (WSE-RC 46; 4 sermons)76. The Ministry and Administration (WSE-RC 47; 2 sermons)77. Man Shall Live by All of God's Word (WSE-RC 48)78. How to Resolve Problems (WSE-RC 49)79. A Guide by Which to Navigate Troubled Waters (WSE-RC 50)80. How to Observe the Sabbath (WSE-RC 51; 9 sermons)81. How to Recognize a True Christian (WSE-RC 52)82. Are We Experiencing the Joys of Life? (WSE-RC 53)83. What Is the Purpose of Authority? (WSE-RC 54; 10 sermons)84. Are You Prepared for the Last Days? (WSE-RC 55)85. What's in It for the Youth? (WSE-RC 56; 10 sermons)86. The Body Is One (WSE-RC 57; 5 sermons)87. Why Rejoice on the Holy Days? (WSE-RC 58)88. Does Love Condone Sin? (WSE-RC 60)89. 1994 Pre-Passover Evaluation (WSE-RC 61)90. Do We Really Believe? (WSE-RC 62; 4 sermons)91. What Is Expected of Us Now? (WSE-RC 63)92. Satanic Activities of the Last Days (WSE-RC 64; 8 sermons)93. Prophetic Events Preceding the Return of Jesus Christ (WSE-RC 65; 2 sermons)94. Where Is Christ Since His Personal Days in the Flesh? (WSE-RC 66; 14 sermons)95. The Pentecost Count (WSE-RC 67)96. Physical Life After the Return of Christ (WSE-RC 68; 2 sermons)97. Atonement: What Is It, and Why Do We Need It? (WSE-RC 69)98. 1996 Pre-Passover: Let a Man Examine Himself (WSE-RC 70)99. Prepare to Keep the Feast (WSE-RC 71)100. You Can Know Your Future (WSE-RC 72)101. Perfection in the Old/New Testament (WSE-RC 73; 4 sermons)102. Sanctification: Be You Holy (WSE-RC 74; 2 sermons)103. How Much Do We Really Fear God? (WSE-RC 75; 4 sermons)104. Turmoil in the Church in the Last Days (WSE-RC 76; 4 sermons)105. Turmoil Within—Applying the Lessons Learned (WSE-RC 77)106. My Sheep Hear My Voice! (WSE-RC 78; 2 sermons)107. Who Will the Overcomers Be? (WSE-RC 79; 2 sermons)108. How Can We Live the Life That God Requires of Us? (WSE-RC 80; 3 sermons)109. Do You See? (WSE-RC 81; 2 sermons)110. In Retrospect (WSE-RC 82; 2 sermons)111. A Watchman's Warning—A Post-Feast Message for 1998 (WSE-RC 83)112. A Contrast Between Two Mysteries (WSE-RC 84; 2 sermons)113. Those Designated Times in Which the Truth Was Given (WSE-RC 85)114. How Are You Going to Endure? (WSE-RC 86)115. Why Do Most People Fail in Almost Any Venture? (WSE-RC 87)116. Refinement or Rejection (WSE-RC 88; 4 sermons)117. 1999 Pre-Passover Evaluation (WSE-RC 89)118. An Analysis of Jude (WSE-RC 90; 32 sermons)119. Is Thanksgiving Part of the Faith Once Delivered? (WST-RC 91)120. What Is Essential for Eternal Life? (WSE-RC 92; 17 sermons)121. The Continuing Body of Christ (WSE-RC 93; 13 sermons, Unprocessed)122. The Faith Once Delivered (WSE-RC 94; 5 sermons)123. Pre-Passover Examination 2001: Have We Checked Our Minds? (WSE-RC 95)124. The Purpose for the Continuing Body of Christ (WSE-RC 96; 4 sermons)125. Discerning the Times (WSE-RC 97)126. Effectively Use the Power of God's Holy Spirit (WST-RC 98)127. Acknowledgment (WST-RC 99)

    Despair or Glory, Which? (Series; Mr. Raymond C. Cole)

    1. Introduction (WSE-RC 59-1)2. God Is Glorified (WSE-RC 59-2)3. Christ Is Glorified (WSE-RC 59-3)4. Men Are Called to Glorify God (WSE-RC 59-4)5. We Must Glory in God, Not in Flesh (WSE-RC 59-5)6. God Requires Faith With Works (WSE-RC 59-6)7. God Is Glorified in Our Understanding the Purpose of Our Experiences (WSE-RC 59-7)8. God Will Be Glorified (WSE-RC 59-8)9. The Physical Manifestations of God's Glory (WSE-RC 59-9)10. God's Works Reveal His Glory (WSE-RC 59-10)11. Physical Things Demonstrate God's Transcendent Glory (WSE-RC 59-11)12. God Gives His Glory to Israel (WSE-RC 59-12)13. God's Glory Will Be Experienced in the Last Days (WSE-RC 59-13)14. God's Glory Can Be Removed (WSE-RC 59-14-15; 2 sermons)15. Counterfeits of God's Glory (WSE-RC 59-16)16. Man Manifests Glory When He Exalts God (WSE-RC 59-17)17. Man's Glory Is Infrequently Manifested (WSE-RC 59-18)18. Man's Glory Is Vain (WSE-RC 59-19)19. God Allows Us to See Some of His Glory (WSE-RC 59-20)20. Men Abrade God's Glory (WSE-RC 59-21)21. Where Will You Be When Christ's Glory Is Revealed? (WSE-RC 59-22)22. Are We Prepared to See and Experience God's Glory? (WSE-RC 59-23)23. Exodus 33—A Type for Us (WSE-RC 59-24-25; 2 sermons)24. How the Historical Example of Ancient Israel Applies Today (WSE-RC 59-26-30; 5 sermons)25. Habakkuk Chapter 3 (WSE-RC 59-31-60; 30 sermons)

    Christian Living Series by Mr. Raymond C. Cole

    1. Human Relationships (CL 1-1-11; 11 sermons)2. Holy Days (CL 1-12-13; 2 sermons)3. Attitude, Belief, Denial, Offense (CL 1-14-17, 19; 5 sermons)4. Resolve All Difficulties (CL 1-18, 20-28; 10 sermons)5. Introduction to the Fruits of God's Holy Spirit (CL 2-1-5; 5 sermons)6. Love (CL 2-6-8; 3 sermons)7. God's Love (CL 2-9-13; 5 sermons)8. Love Which Is Required of Man (CL 2-14-20; 7 sermons)9. Joy (CL 2-21-29; 9 sermons)10. Peace (CL 2-30-40; 11 sermons)11. Longsuffering (CL 2-41-50; 10 sermons)12. Gentleness (CL 2-51-56; 6 sermons)13. Goodness (CL 2-57-67; 11 sermons)14. Kindness (CL 2-68-91; 24 sermons)15. Faith (CL 2-92-131; 40 sermons)16. Meekness (CL 2-132-137; 6 sermons)17. Humility (CL 2-138-168; 31 sermons)

    Portland Sermons by Mr. Raymond C. Cole

    1. What Is True Christian Character? (WSP-RC 1; 13 sermons)2. What Are Abominations in the Sight of God? (WSP-RC 2; 2 sermons)3. What Is the Power of God? (WSP-RC 3; 2 sermons)4. Satisfaction—What Is Its Premise? (WSP-RC 4; 3 sermons)5. Are We Stuck at Our Red Sea? (WSP-RC 5; 3 sermons)6. How Good Is Our Hearing? (WSP-RC 6; 2 sermons)7. What Is the Will of God for the Called? (WSP-RC 7; 2 sermons)8. What Is Obedience From the Heart? (WSP-RC 8; 2 sermons)9. Known From the Foundation of the World, Whom? (WSP-RC 9; 3 sermons)10. Were Paul's Teachings the Same as His Predecessors'? (WSP-RC 10; 7 sermons)11. Fear, a Powerful Force (WSP-RC 11; 2 sermons)12. God Has One Mind—Not Divided (WSP-RC 12; 5 sermons)13. What Is Our Principal Objective in Life? (WSP-RC 13)14. The Psalms (WSP-RC 14; 12 sermons)15. Hearing (WSP-RC 15)16. Darkness versus Light (WSP-RC 16; 22 sermons)17. Seeking God (WSP-RC 17; 2 sermons)18. Do You Know God's Will? (WSP-RC 18; 4 sermons)19. What Is Expected of Us From Here On? (WSP-RC 19)20. How Does Your Conscience Guide You? (WSP-RC 20; 3 sermons)21. Was There a Conflict Between the Gospels of Christ and Paul? (WSP-RC 21)22. What Is the Responsibility of the Ministry? (WSP-RC A; 2 sermons)23. What Is the Hope for You? (WSP-RC B; Unprocessed)24. Our Covenant Agreement (WSP-RC C; Unprocessed)25. Are We Building or Destroying? (WSP-RC D; Unprocessed)26. Avoid the Chaos of Tomorrow (WSP-RC E; Unprocessed)27. Obedience to God's Word (WSP-RC H)

    Audio Sermons by Mr. Jon W. Brisby

    1. Four Sermonettes (SYT-JB 1)2. What Should We Have Learned From the Apostasy? (WST-JB 1)3. What Does It Mean to Grow Closer to God? (WSE-JB 2)4. Do We Truly Appreciate Our Calling? (WSP-JB 3)5. Authority and Rebellion (WSE-JB 4)6. How Is God Preparing Us? (WSP-JB 5)7. Why All These Sermons About the Faith Once Delivered? (WST-JB 6)8. Is the Way of Truth a Burden to Us? (WSE-JB 7)9. Are You Ready to Be a King and Priest? (WST-JB 8)10. Korah—An Example for Us (WST-JB 9)11. Lessons From the Book of Jude (WST-JB 10)12. The Business of God's Work (WST-JB 11)13. How to Evaluate Accusations (WST-JB 12)14. How to Choose Correctly During Any Apostasy (WST-JB 13)15. The Way of Cain and the Error of Baalam (WST-JB 14)16. Grieve Not the Holy Spirit (WST-JB 15)17. Where Does God Attend Services? (WST-JB 16)18. What Is a Teacher? (WSE-JB 17)19. Are We Lukewarm? (WST-JB 18)20. Who Should Be Baptized? (WSE-JB 19)21. What Is God Like? (WSE-JB 20)22. Applying Patience (WSE-JB 21)23. Where is the Faithful Remnant? (WSP-JB 23)24. Pre-Passover 2000: Honest Self-Evaluation (WSE-JB 24)25. Does the Truth Come First? (WSP-JB 25)26. The Testimony of Jesus Christ (WSE-JB 26; 4 sermons)27. Unfinished Business (WSP-JB 27)28. Are We Ready for Christ's Return? (WSE-JB 28)29. What Is Real Sacrifice? (WSE-JB 29)30. Spiritual Endurance (WSP-JB 30)31. Special Message: RCC Illness—Do You See Christ? (WSE-JB 31)32. The Beginning of Sorrows (WSE-JB 32)33. What Is the Unity of the Spirit? (WSE-JB 33; 7 sermons)34. Spiritual Counterfeits (WSP-JB 34; 2 sermons)35. What Is Real Love? (WSP-JB 35)36. The Sufferings of Christ (WSE-JB 36)37. A Survey of the Day of the Lord (WSE-JB 37; 2 sermons)38. The Church and Ancient Israel (WSP-JB 38; 4 sermons)39. Are We Really Awake Spiritually? (WSE-JB 39)40. Pre-Passover 2002: Coming to Recognize Our Idols (WSE-JB 40)41. Venting—Is It of God? (WSE-JB 41)42. The Simplicity of Christ (WSP-JB 42)43. Faith Without Works Is Dead (WSP-JB 43)44. God—A Best Friend to Young People (WST-JB 44)45. Forsake Not the Assembly (WSP-JB 45)46. What Made Herbert W. Armstrong's Message Unique? (WSE-JB 46)47. Fear of God or Man, Which? (WSE-JB 47; 10 sermons)48. Every Man Shall Bear His Own Burden (WSP-JB 48)49. Wisdom Is Justified of All Her Children (WSP-JB 49)50. 2003 Pre-Passover Evaluation: Let a Man Examine Himself (WSE-JB 50)51. Lest Coming Suddenly He Find You Sleeping (WSP-JB 51)52. Obedience versus Feelings (WSE-JB 52)53. God's Rules for Dating and Marriage (WST-JB 53; Camp Tejas)54. How Does the Holy Spirit Inspire the Ministry versus the Laity? (WSE-JB 54)55. Peace of Mind—Do You Have It? (WSE-JB 55; 4 sermons)56. Jehu and the Last-Day Church (WSP-JB 56)57. Envy versus Jealousy—What Is the Difference? (WSP-JB 57)58. Signs and Wonders—What Must We Know? (WSE-JB 58; 12 sermons)59. What Is the House of God? (WSP-JB 59)60. Prove the Truth, What Does It Mean? (WSP-JB 60)61. Pre-Passover 2004—What Do We Deserve? (WSE-JB 61)62. Should the Weak Remain Weak? (WSP-JB 62)63. Taking Responsibility (WSP-JB 63)64. Who Is Your Role Model? (WST-JB 64; Camp Tejas)65. Why Ministers Fail (WSE-JB 65)66. The Burden of the Law (WSP-JB 66)67. What Is Required to Restore God's Church? (WST-JB 67)68. The Antidote for the Feeble Mind (WSP-JB 68)69. The Action of Love (WSE-JB 69)70. I Am Not a Missionary (WSE-JB 70)71. I Could Be Happier if . . . (WSE-JB 71)72. Remember Who You Are (WSP-JB 72)73. How Long Can You Wait? (WSE-JB 73)74. Who Will Preserve His Life? (WSP-JB 74)75. Blood, Water, and the Spirit (WSE-JB 75)76. Invisible Laws in Your Life (WST-JB 76; Camp Tejas)77. Forget Not the Lord Thy God (WSP-JB 77)78. Judgment, Crossroads, and Choices (WSP-JB 78)79. The Power of Prayer? (WSE-JB 79)80. How Will God Use You? (WSP-JB 81)81. 1998 Pre-Passover Examination (WST-JB 82)82. How Can Young People Be Successful? (WST-JB 83)83. Pre-Passover Examination 2006: Identifying Addictions (WSE-JB 84)84. Test Cycles in God's Church (WSP-JB 85)85. What Is Godly Attire? (WSE-JB 86)86. When Does Life Begin? (WSP-JB 87)87. If You Ever Plan to Marry (WSI-JB 88; Camp Tejas)88. Our Red Sea Decisions (WSP-JB 89)89. Warning Against Complacency (WSP-JB 90)90. About Intercessory Prayer (WSP-JB 91)91. God Is Not a Man (WSP-JB 92)92. Avoid Distractions From the Real Work (WSP-JB 93)93. Should the Ministry Ever Correct? (WSE-JB 94)94. Don't Waste Your Time (WST-JB 95; Camp Tejas)95. The True Church Knows the Truth (WSP-JB 96)96. Are Any English Translations of the Bible Holy? (WSE-JB 98)97. Reasons to Stay in a Group (WSP-JB 99)98. Who Has the Final Say? (WSP-JB 100)99. Pre-Passover Examination 2008: Are You in the Faith? (WSE-JB 101)100. The True Legacy of Mr. Raymond C. Cole (WSE-JB 102)101. Lessons From Aaron and the Golden Calf (WSP-JB 103)102. What Does It Mean to Leave the Truth? (WSP-JB 104)103. Will You Make a Good King? (WSP-JB 105)104. What Does It Mean to Be a Real Man or Woman? (WST-JB 106; Camp Tejas)105. The Weightier Matters of the Law (WSP-JB 107)106. How to Have the Best Feast Ever (WST-JB 108)107. How to Avoid the Post-Feast Blues (WSE-JB 109)108. Avoiding Offenses and Deception (WSP-JB 110)109. Principles of Radiant Health (WSE-JB 111; 6 sermons)110. To Know God Is Life Over Death (WSP-JB 112)111. Are You Prejudiced? (WSP-JB 113)112. Passive Resistance (WSP-JB 114)113. Avoiding False Love (WSE-JB 115)114. Is There Truly an Organized Remnant? (WSE-JB 116)115. Who Is Your Hero? (WST-JB 117; Camp Tejas)116. The Truth About Tithing (WSE-JB 118; 15 sermons)117. Where Two or More Are Gathered (WSP-JB 119)118. Time Is Too Short for Stupid Stuff (WSP-JB 120)119. What Is True Sincerity? (WSP-JB 121)120. Free Moral Agency in God's Plan (WSP-JB 123)121. Pre-Passover 2010: Common Misconceptions About Passover (WSE-JB 124)122. Spiritual Murder and Manslaughter (WSP-JB 125; 2 sermons)123. What Do We Know About the New Moons? (WSE-JB 126)124. Lessons From the Life of Samson (WSE-JB 127; Camp Tejas)125. Tranquility of Mind (WSP-JB 128)126. An Offering Made by Fire (WSP-JB 129; 3 sermons)127. Were the Apostles Mistaken? (WSP-JB 130)128. Religion or Science, Which? (WST-JB 131)129. Maturity and Self-Restraint (WSE-JB 132; Camp Tejas)130. The Last Shall Be First (WSP-JB 133)131. The Infirmities of Paul (WSP-JB 134)132. God's Omniscience and Free Moral Agency (WSP-JB 135; 2 sermons)133. Pre-Passover 2012: Are You Honest? (WSE-JB 136)134. Getting to Real Conversion (WSP-JB 137)135. The Proper Role of Animals in God's Plan (WSP-JB 139; 2 sermons)136. Strategy for a Successful Feast (WST-JB 140)137. Pre-Passover 2013: The Seed and Good Ground (WSE-JB 141)138. Is Christ a Socialist or a Capitalist? (WSP-JB 142)139. Leadership Selection in God's Church (WSE-JB 143)140. The Anatomy of Offense (WSP-JB 144)141. The Hallmark of the Beast (WSP-JB 145)142. Power—Might vs. Right (WSP-JB 146)143. Adversity and Responsibility (WST-JB 147; Camp Tejas)144. Manna vs. Quail (WSP-JB 148)145. A Closer Look at Short and Long-Range Prophecy (WST-JB 150)146. Aging Gracefully (WSP-JB 151)147. A Deal With the Devil (WSP-JB 152)148. What Is the True Source of Your Convictions? (WSE-JB 153)149. The Anatomy of Accusation (WSP-JB 154)150. Wisdom—Your Greatest Asset (WST-JB 155; Camp Tejas)151. Building Upon That Foundation (WSP-JB 156)152. Are You a True Friend? (WSE-JB 157)153. The "Math" of Truth (WSP-JB 158)154. Who Was the First Begotten of the Spirit? (WSE-JB 159; 2 sermons)155. Spiritual Restlessness (WSP-JB 160)156. Just What Do You Mean, Church of God? (WSP-JB 161)157. Pre-Passover 2015: Do We "Get It?" (WSE-JB 162)158. Prepare for Old Age and Death (WSE-JB 163)159. Meekness or Aggression, Which? (WSP-JB 164)160. Reconfirming Our Additional Beliefs (WSE-JB 165)161. What Is "Community"? (WSP-JB 166)162. Who Are the Real Zombies? (WST-JB 167; Camp Tejas)163. Blessings and Curses (WSE-JB 168)164. Is There Enough Love in the Church? (WSP-JB 169)165. I Like the Feast Because . . . (WSE-JB 170)166. All About Boundaries (WSE-JB 171)167. Are You a Giver or a Taker? (WSP-JB 172)168. Fall 2015—Where Do We Stand Today? (WSE-JB 173)169. Gog and Magog—Revelation vs. Speculation (WSE-JB 174; 2 sermons)170. Fruits Equal Results (WSP-JB 175)171. What Was in the Cup? (WSE-JB 176; 2 sermons)172. Grow Close to God—Why and How? (WSP-JB 177)173. Pre-Passover 2016: What Are We Hiding? (WSE-JB 178)174. Voting—What Is the Faith Once Delivered? (WSE-JB 179)175. Protocol for Holy Convocations (WSE-JB 180)176. Milk vs. Strong Meat (WSP-JB 181)177. By What Authority? (WSE-JB 182)178. How Do We Differ? (WSE-JB 183)179. What Is the Spirit in Man? (WSE-JB 184; 4 sermons)180. In God We Trust—Or Do We? (WSP-JB 185)181. Not I, Said the Teenager (WSE-JB 186; Camp Tejas)182. Did Jesus Come to Condemn? (WSE-JB 187)183. God Speaks Through Psalm 50 (WSP-JB 188)184. What Commandment Am I Breaking? (WSP-JB 189)185. What Did Christ Know (and When)? (WSE-JB 190)186. A Celebration of Death (WSE-JB 191)187. Whose Work Will Be Uprooted? (WSP-JB 192)188. Pre-Passover 2017: I Hate My Life (WSE-JB 193)189. Mad at God (WSP-JB 194)190. The Brazen Serpent on the Pole (WSE-JB 195)191. Spiritual Investing (WSP-JB 196)192. Mockery—A Danger (WSE-JB 197)193. The Lord Delayed His Coming? (WSE-JB 198)194. Gone in an Instant (WSE-JB 199)195. What Does God Really Want? (WSE-JB 200)196. Contentment vs. Covetousness (WSE-JB 201)197. Reputation (WST-JB 202; Camp Tejas)198. Mentors (WST-JB 203; Camp Tejas)199. Spiritual Urgency (WSE-JB 204)200. Resistance (WSP-JB 205)201. Connecting Deuteronomy 21 to Matthew 18 (WSE-JB 206)202. Recipe for Ministerial Judgments (WSP-JB 207)203. Flat Earth—A Case Study (WSE-JB 208; 2 sermons)204. Wait Upon the Lord (WSE-JB 209)205. God Is Proving You (WSP-JB 210)206. What's in a Name? (WSE-JB 211; 2 sermons)207. Just as I Am (WSP-JB 212)208. Excess Baggage (WSE-JB 213)209. God in Symbols and Metaphors (WSE-JB 214; 3 sermons)210. Building Upon the Faith (WSP-JB 215)211. Discerning What Matters (WSE-JB 216)212. Paradigm Shifts (WSE-JB 217; 2 sermons)213. Taking Responsibility (WST-JB 218; Camp Tejas)214. Will Neutrality Save You? (WSE-JB 219)215. What Will Be Your Legacy? (WSE-JB 220)216. Are You Clean? (WSE-JB 221)217. Is Seeing Believing? (WSE-JB 222; 7 sermons)218. Eye Hath Not Seen (WSP-JB 223)219. The Wheat and the Chaff (WSP-JB 224)220. Pre-Passover 2019: Estrangement From God (WSE-JB 226)221. Jeremiah 23 for Our Day (WSP-JB 227)222. Emotional Attachments (WSP-JB 228)223. 1 John 4:1-7 for Today (WSP-JB 229)224. Knowledge vs. Wisdom (WST-JB 230; Camp Tejas)225. Teaching Faith (WSP-JB 231)226. Broken Toys (WSE-JB 232)227. Just Do What's in the Bible? (WSP-JB 233)228. Are You Holding to the Faith? (WSP-JB 234)229. Pre-Passover 2020: Fear or Faith? (WSE-JB 235)230. Titles, Tasks and Testaments (WSE-JB 236)231. Was That Sermon About Me? (WSP-JB 237)232. We Ought to Obey God Rather Than Men (WSE-JB 238)233. Conviction or Coercion? (WSP-JB 239)234. Zeal Without Wisdom (WSE-JB 240)235. Essentials for Happiness (WSP-JB 241)236. Will You Be Respected? (WSE-JB 242)237. How to Preserve the Union (WSE-JB 243)238. Matthew 25—Interlocking Parables (WSP-JB 244)239. Post-Feast Momentum (WSE-JB 245)240. I Remember When I Used to . . . (WSP-JB 246)241. Does God Pick on Women? (WSE-JB 247)242. In Case You Ever Are Wrong (WSE-JB 248)243. The Role of Conscience (WSE-JB 249)244. Preparing vs. Prepping (WSP-JB 250)245. Justice Is Fallen (WSP-JB 251)246. Where Are All the Mentors? (WSE-JB 252)247. When Division Is Godly (WSE-JB 253)248. Remorse vs. Repentance (WSE-JB 254)249. When Abel Killed Cain (WSP-JB 255)250. Are They for Us or Against Us? (WSE-JB 256)251. Beware Expedience (WSP-JB 257)252. Why Should God Hire You? (WSE-JB 258)253. Reconfirming the Third Resurrection (WSE-JB 259)254. Are the Unborn Real Children? (WST-JB 260; Camp Tejas)255. A Recent History of Ministerial Judgments (WSE-JB 261)256. Psalm 25—An Analysis (WSP-JB 262)257. Let the Dead Bury Their Dead (WSP-JB 263)258. What Will You Give Up? (WSP-JB 264)259. The Basis for Real Unity (WSP-JB 265)260. The Greatest Sinner (WSE-JB 266)261. Antidote for Loneliness (WSP-JB 267)262. Gold, White Raiment and Eyesalve (WSE-JB 268)263. Doubt Is Deadly (WSP-JB 269)264. All Things to All Men (WSP-JB 270)265. Lingering Blind Spots (WSE-JB 271)266. Maturing Equals Serving (WST-JB 272; Camp Tejas)267. The Best Feast Ever (WSE-JB 273)268. How Do We Contend for the Faith? (WSP-JB 274)269. The Perfecting of the Saints (WSE-JB 275)270. Dietary Apostasy (WSE-JB 276; 4 sermons)271. House of Merchandise (WSP-JB 277)272. The Stress of Self-Discipline (WSE-JB 278)273. Pre-Passover 2023: Christ's Total Sacrifice for Us (WSE-JB 279)275. Balance vs. Compromise (WSE-JB 281)276. God Our Defender (WSE-JB 282)277. The Two Trees of Eden (WSE-JB 283)278. Two Obstacles to the Kingdom (WSE-JB 284)280. Remember What God Wants (WSE-JB 286)281. A Young Person's Guide for Success (WST-JB 287; Camp Tejas)282. Handling God's Truth (WSE-JB 288)284. Love vs. Tolerance (WSE-JB 290)285. Beware Superheroes (WSE-JB 291)287. The Vow of Baptism (WSE-JB 293)288. Defeating Strongholds (WSE-JB 294)289. Seeking God's Will (WSE-JB 295)291. Must "Hit" Enter (WSE-JB 297)292. Blessing vs. Chance (WSE-JB 298)293. Real Peace Today (WSE-JB 299)294. Habitat for God and Man (WSE-JB 300; 14 sermons)295. How to Pass the Big Test (WSE-JB 301)297. The Easy Things (WSE-JB 303)298. How Should We Think About Prayer? (WSE-JB 304)299. Geometry in Unity (WSE-JB 305)300. Millstone Events (WSE-JB 306)301. Human Multiplication (WSE-JB 307)304. Pre-Passover 2025: Hating Sin (WSE-JB 310)

    The Fundamentals of Belief (Series; Mr. Jon W. Brisby)

    1. The Nature of God

    1. God Is One (1-1A)2. God Is Eternal (2-1B)3. God's Character (3-1C)

    2. Jesus Christ

    4. Jesus Christ: God, Man, Creator (4-2)

    3. The Holy Spirit

    5. What Is the Holy Spirit? (5-3A)6. Attributes of the Holy Spirit (6-3B)

    4. The Holy Scriptures

    7. The Authority of the Holy Scriptures (7-4)

    5. Satan

    8. The Origin of Satan (8-5A)9. The Work of Satan (9-5B)

    6. The Nature of Man

    10. The Nature of Man (10-6)

    7. Sin and Law

    11. Sin and Law (11-7A)12. The Eternal Law (12-7B)

    8. Christ's Sacrifice

    13. Christ's Sacrifice (13-8)

    9. Christ's Resurrection

    14. Christ's Resurrection (14-9A)15. Christ, Our High Priest and Advocate (15-9B)

    10. Spiritual Conversion

    16. Spiritual Conversion (16-10A - 17-10B) 2 sermons)

    11. Baptism and Passover

    17. Baptism (18-11A)18. The Ordinance of Passover (19-11B)19. Passover: Beginning of the 14th (20-11C)20. The Jews' Passover (21-11D)

    12. The Weekly Sabbath

    21. Sabbath, the 7th Day (22-12A)22. Sabbath or Sunday for Christians? (23-12B)23. Proper Sabbath Observance (24-12C)

    13. The Annual Festivals

    24. Why God's Holy Days? (25-13A)25. The Holy Days Depict God's Plan (26-13B)26. The Holy Days and the Old Covenant (27-13C)27. The Holy Days and the New Covenant (28-13D)28. The Holy Days and the New Testament Church (29-13E)

    14. Dietary Laws

    29. Clean and Unclean Foods in the Old Testament (30-14A)30. Clean and Unclean Foods in the New Testament (31-14B)31. Diet and Unclean Foods (32-14C)

    15. Military Service

    32. War and Military Service (33-15A)33. The Cause of War (34-15B)

    16. Promises to Israel

    34. God's Twofold Promise to Abraham (35-16A)35. The Sceptre and the Birthright (36-16B)36. The Davidic Covenant and the Two Nations (37-16C)37. Jeremiah's Commission (38-16D)38. The Mysterious Breach (39-16E)39. The Planting of the Throne (40-16F)40. The Promise of Grace (41-16G)41. The Politics of British Israelism (42-16H)42. Our Eternal Home and Reward (43-16I)

    17. Redemption, Reward, and Faith

    43. Character and Redemption (44-17A)44. Redemption Through Consent and Overcoming (45-17B)45. Growing in Grace and Knowledge (46-17C)46. Offices in God's Kingdom (47-17D)47. The Significance of Faith (48-17E)

    18. The Church of God

    48. What Is the Church? (49-18A)49. The Church's Mission (50-18B)

    19. The Resurrections

    50. Eternal Life Through the Resurrections (51-19A)51. The Order of the Resurrections (52-19B)

    20. The Kingdom of God

    52. The Return of Jesus Christ (53-20A)53. God's Kingdom on Earth (54-20B)

    21. Pentecost—Monday

    54. Why a Monday Pentecost? (55-21A)55. How and Why Pentecost Was Changed (56-21B)56. Results of the Pentecost Change (57-21C)57. Basics of the Pentecost Count (58-21D)58. The Elements of the Pentecost Count (59-21E)59. More Technicalities of a Monday Pentecost (60-21F)

    22. Church Administration

    60. Church Government and Administration (61-22A - 67-22G; 7 sermons)61. Can Administration Produce a Perfect Church? (68-22H)62. The Venues of God-Ordained Authority (69-22I)63. The Limits of Authority (70-22J)64. Ministerial Intrusion (71-22K)65. Heresy and Challenges to Administration (72-22L)

    23. Prophecy

    66. What Is Prophecy? (73-23A)67. Prophecy Is a Charge (74-23B)68. Short-Range Prophecy (75-23C)69. Long-Range Prophecy (76-23D)70. Prophecies Yet to Be Fulfilled (77-23E)71. Prophecy and Personal Bible Study (78-23F)72. The Attributes of True Prophets (79-23G)73. True Prophets in the Last Days (80-23H)74. Identifying True Prophets (81-23I)75. True Prophets Can Go Astray (82-23J)76. Was Mr. Armstrong a False Prophet? (83-23K)77. The Separate Domain of Doctrine (84-23L)78. The Domains of Administration and Prophecy (85-23M)79. Analyzing Specific Church Teachings (86-23N)80. Church Eras and Prophetic Titles (87-23O)

    24. Divine Revelation

    81. What Is Truth? (88-24A)82. An Overview of Divine Revelation (89-24B)83. Bible Study and Divine Revelation (90-24C)84. Two Facets of Divine Revelation (91-24D)85. The Apostle Paul and Revelation (92-24E)86. Mr. H.W. Armstrong and Revelation (93-24F)87. Moses and Divine Revelation (94-24G)88. The Prophets and Divine Revelation (95-24H - 97-24J; 3 sermons)89. Divine Revelation Through False Prophets and Donkeys (98-24K)90. Divine Revelation and Jesus Christ's Example (99-24L - 100-24M; 2 sermons)91. Divine Revelation and the Twelve (101-24N - 102-24O; 2 sermons)92. The Character of the Revelator (103-24P)93. The House of God (104-24Q)94. Unchanging Truth (105-24R)95. Does God Repent? (106-24S)96. The Only Legitimate Changes (107-24T)97. Arguments Against Divine Revelation (108-24U)98. Progressive Revelation? (109-24V)99. The Real Fruits of Change (110-24W)

    25. Marriage

    100. Introduction to Fundamental #25 (111-25A)101. Marriage Is a God-Plane Relationship (112-25B)102. The New Covenant Marriage (113-25C)103. Two Become One (114-25D)104. God's Marriage in a Song (115-25E-1 - 127-25E-13; 13 sermons)105. What Makes a Marriage? (128-25F-1 - 131-25F-4; 4 sermons)106. The Responsibilities of Marriage (132-25G-1 - 137-25G-6; 6 sermons)107. Problems in Marriage (138-25H-1 - 140-25H-3; 3 sermons)108. The Technicalities of Divorce (141-25I-1 - 147-25I-7; 7 sermons)109. The History of the Doctrinal Change on Marriage (148-25J)110. The Administration of the Marriage Doctrine (149-25K-1 - 150-25K-2; 2 sermons)

    26. Worldly Holidays

    111. Worldly Holidays: Introduction (151-26A)112. What God Hallowed (152-26B)113. Calendars (153-26C - 154-26D; 2 sermons)114. Gentiles vs. Israel (155-26E)115. Birthdays (156-26F)116. Christmas (157-26G)117. Easter (158-26H)118. Acceptable Days (159-26I)119. Halloween (160-26J)120. More Holidays (161-26K)121. War Memorials (162-26L)122. Thanksgiving (163-26M - 164-26N; 2 sermons)123. Mother's/Father's Day (165-26O)

    A Survey of the Book of Job (Series; Mr. Jon W. Brisby)

    1. Introduction (80-1)2. Background (80-2)3. Job's Perfection (80-3)4. Satan's Relationship With God (80-4)5. Job's Trial Begins (80-5)6. Job's Initial Response to Trial (80-6)7. Job's Trial Amplified (80-7)8. Job's Friends Arrive (80-8)9. Eliphaz's First Speech (80-9)10. Job Responds to Eliphaz (80-10)11. Bildad's First Speech (80-11)12. Job Responds to Bildad (80-12)13. Zophar's First Speech (80-13)14. Job Replies to His Friends: Chapter 13 (80-14)15. Job Speaks to God: Chapter 14 (80-15)16. Eliphaz's Second Speech (80-16)17. Job's Second Reply to Eliphaz (80-17-18; 2 sermons)18. Bildad's Second Speech (80-19)19. Job's Second Reply to Bildad (80-20)20. Zophar's Final Speech (80-21)21. Job's Final Reply to Zophar (80-22)22. The Final Speech of Eliphaz (80-23)23. Job's Last Reply to Eliphaz (80-24)24. Bildad's Last Speech (80-25)25. Job's Final Speech (80-26-31; 6 sermons)26. Elihu's Speech (80-32-37; 6 sermons)27. God Addresses Job (80-38-42; 5 sermons)28. The Final Summation (80-43)

    The Family Handbook (Series; Mr. Jon W. Brisby)

    1. The Seven Laws of Success (138-1-3; 3 sermons)2. Setting Goals (138-4)3. Picking a Mate (138-5-7; 3 sermons)4. The Responsibilities of Marriage (138-8-10; 3 sermons)5. Personal Finance (138-11-18; 8 sermons)6. All About Children (138-19-23; 5 sermons)7. Family Blessings and Cursings (138-24)8. Pregnancy and Childbirth (138-25-28; 4 sermons)9. Child Rearing (138-29-40; 12 sermons)10. Conclusion (138-41)

    Prophecy Revisited (Series; Mr. Jon W. Brisby)

    1. Past Purposes (149-1)2. Fruits of the Past Orientation (149-2)3. The Spirit of Prophecy (149-3)4. Why We Must Watch (149-4)5. How Should We Watch (149-5)6. Matthew 24 for Today (149-6-11; 6 sermons)7. The Hallmark of the Beast (149-12)8. The Man of Sin (149-13-16; 4 sermons)9. The Two Witnesses (149-17-19; 3 sermons)

    Just What Do You Mean—Faith Once Delivered? (Series; Mr. Jon W. Brisby)

    1. The Twenty Teachings (225-1)2. Historical Quotes From HWA and RCC (225-2)3. RCC's Definition of the Faith Once Delivered (225-3-4; 2 sermons)4. Doctrine, Administration, and Prophecy (225-5)5. Teachings #1–5 (225-6)6. Teachings #6–8 (225-7)7. Teachings #9–11 (225-8)8. Teaching #12 (225-9)9. Teaching #13 (225-10)10. Prophecy (225-11)11. Prophecy—Watching (225-12-13; 2 sermons)12. Prophecy—The Beast (225-14-18; 5 sermons)13. The Man of Sin (225-19)14. The Two Witnesses (225-20-21; 2 sermons)15. The Place of Safety (225-22-23; 2 sermons)16. The Abomination of Desolation (225-24-25; 2 sermons)17. Patriarchs in the Kingdom (225-26)18. The Truth Formula (225-27-31; 5 sermons)19. Hard Sayings—Divine Healing (225-32-36; 5 sermons)20. Hard Sayings—Personal Appearance (225-37-43; 7 sermons)21. Hard Sayings—Marriage and Divorce (225-44-53; 10 sermons)22. The Genesis Creation (225-54-63; 10 sermons)

    Audio Sermons by Mr. Leon Whitaker

    1. How to Pray (WSP-LW 1; Sermonette)2. Pre-Passover 2005: The Introspection of Self (WSE-LW 2)3. A Study of James (WSP-LW 3; 10 sermons)4. Our Relationships: Christian or Carnal? (WSP-LW 4; 2 sermons)5. The Life of the Apostle Paul (WSP-LW 5; 5 sermons)6. Pre-Passover 2009: Living More as God Lives (WSP-LW 6)7. Meditation Helps in Getting Through Trials (WSP-LW 7)

    Audio Sermons by Mr. Richard W. Litz

    1. Forgiveness (WSP-RWL 1)2. Obedience to Authority (WSI-RWL 2; Camp Tejas)3. How Do You Feel About Alternative Lifestyles? (WSP-RWL 3)4. What Is Your Ultimate Destiny? (WSI-RWL 4; Camp Tejas)5. The Black Dog of Depression (WSE-RWL 5)6. Pre-Passover 2007: Are You Ready to Take the Passover? (WST-RWL 6)7. The Parables of Christ (7 sermons, 2010 F.O.T.; 2011 U.B. and F.O.T.; 2012 F.O.T.)8. Dealing With False Accusations (WST-RWL 8)9. The Birth Pain of False Doctrine (WSM-RWL 9)10. The Redeeming Story of Ruth (WSM-RWL 10)11. I Dreamed a Dream (WSE-RWL 11; Camp Tejas)12. Anger—The Most Lethal Work of the Flesh (WSP-RWL 12)13. The Music Made Me Do It (WSE-RWL 13; Camp Tejas)14. Who Are the Enemies of God? (WSP-RWL 14)15. Spiritual Blindness to God's Truth (WSE-RWL 15; Camp Tejas)16. A Time for Love (WSM-RWL 16; Camp Tejas)17. There Is an Enemy Among Us (WSM-RWL 17; Camp Tejas)18. Overcoming Emotional Immaturity (WST-RWL 18)19. The New Drink Offering (WSE-RWL 19)20. How to Try the Spirits (WST-RWL 20)21. Walls of Defense (WST-RWL 21)

    Audio Sermons by Mr. Robert J. Litz

    1. Continued Neglect Leads to Unpardonable Sin (WSE-RJL 1)2. Peter's Preeminence (WSE-RJL 2)3. Learn to Kill or Be Killed (WSM-RJL 3)4. Why Trials and Suffering? (WST-RJL 4)

    Audio Sermons by Mr. John R. Byrd

    1. Pre-Passover 2011: Many Are the Afflictions of the Righteous (WSE-JRB 1)

    Audio Sermons by Mr. David F. Brandenburg

    1. What Type of Contentment Do You See in Your Life? (WST-DB 1)2. Pre-Passover 2014: Sleeping With the Enemy (WSE-DB 2)

    Audio Sermons by Mr. Robert G. Burke

    1. Pre-Passover 2018: Areas for Review (WSE-RGB 1)2. Are You Prepared for the 2018 Feast? (WST-RGB 2)3. 2019 Feast Reminders (WST-RGB 3)4. Pre-Passover 2022: Are You One With God?5. Does Your Light Shine? (WST-RGB 5)6. Pre-Passover 2024: Do You Love God? (WSE-RGB 6)7. The Sins of Jeroboam (WST-RGB 7)

    Holy Day Sermons


    1. Why Are We Here Today? (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R. Cole)2. The Significance of God's Feasts (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; R. Cole)3. God's Holy Days Are Binding Today (2 sermons; U.B., 2nd H.D.; R. Cole)4. No Man Has a Right to Set the Feast Days (Pent., A.M.; R. Cole)5. In What Language Is God's Truth Understood? (Pent., P.M.; R. Cole)6. What Does Trumpets Mean for Us Today? (2 sermons, Trump. and Sabb.; R.C.)7. How Atonement Applies to the Present Circumstances (Atone., A.M.; R. Cole)8. Satan's Guilt (Atone., P.M.; R. Cole)9. We Will Teach the Old Paths (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)10. The Book of Deuteronomy (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)11. Where Will You Be Next Year? (L.G.D., P.M.; R. Cole)


    1. Re-emphasizing the Importance of Pentecost (Pent., A.M.; R. Cole)2. Will We Allow the Spirit to Rule Us? (Pent., P.M.; R. Cole)3. Pentecost Is a Spiritual Manifestation of God's Purpose (Pent., P.M.; R. Cole)4. Trumpets Represents the Return of Christ (Trump., P.M.; R. Cole)5. The Requirements for Salvation (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)6. The Ultimate Objective of God (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)7. What Does the Kingdom of God Mean to You? (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)8. Build Up Your Faith Again (L.G.D., P.M.; R. Cole)


    1. Live the Meaning of Unleavened Bread (U.B., 2nd H.D.; R. Cole)2. What the Return of Christ Will Mean to This World (Trump., P.M.; R. Cole)3. The Meaning of Atonement in Our Lives (Atone.; R. Cole)4. Men Who Will Stand (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)5. Avenues by Which People Justify Self (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)6. Marriage According to God's Law (3 sermons, F.O.T. and L.G.D.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole)2. For U.B., see The Patriarchal Period (R. Cole)3. For Pent., see Spiritual Growth (R. Cole)4. Trumpets Pictures a Transition in World Affairs (Trump., P.M.; R. Cole)5. Atonement in God's Overall Plan (Atone., A.M.; R. Cole)6. We Must Know Our Archenemy—Satan (3 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole)2. A Review of the Meaning of the Spring Feast (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R. Cole)3. The Spirit of Truth or the Spirit of Error? (Pent., P.M.; R. Cole)4. The First Appearance of Christ in Retrospect (Trump., P.M.; R. Cole)5. What Is Our Purpose at the Feast? (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)6. For remainder of F.O.T. sermons, see Babylon the Great (R. Cole)7. The Kingdom to Come (L.G.D., P.M.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole)2. Our Exodus out of Bondage to Self (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; R. Cole)3. We Must Overcome (Pent., P.M.; R. Cole)4. We Are Involved in a Crucial War (Trump., P.M.; R. Cole)5. The Spiritual Purpose of Atonement (Atone.; R. Cole)6. How Can We Make This Year's Feast the Most Meaningful? (1st Eve.; R. Cole)7. How to Know and Prove the Truth (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)8. How Are God's People Involved in Babylon? (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)9. Natural Disasters (L.G.D., A.M.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole)2. What Do These Days Mean to True Christians? (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R. Cole)3. Holy Day Observance Is Not Inconsistent With the Style of God (U.B.; R. Cole)4. To Stir Up the Spirit, We Must Recognize Our Natures (Pent., P.M.; R. Cole)5. What Does the Blowing of Trumpets Typify? (Trump., P.M.; R. Cole)6. Atonement Pictures Christ (Atone.; R. Cole)7. Keynote Address (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)8. Thy Kingdom Come (F.O.T., 2nd Day; R. Cole)9. What We Can Know About Babylon (3 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)10. The Purpose of the Creator God (L.G.D., P.M.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole)2. For U.B., see Our Course out of Egypt (R. Cole)3. How to Count Pentecost Correctly (Pent., A.M.; R. Cole)4. What Does Trumpets Picture? (Trump., A.M.; R. Cole)5. Atonement and the Abrogation of Satan's Influence (Atone.; R. Cole)6. Make This a Successful Feast (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)7. The Sabbath—A Sign Between God and His People (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)8. Prepare Now to Endure Trials (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)9. Are the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Israel Synonymous? (L.G.D.; R.C.)


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (R. Cole)2. Why Does God Require Repetition? (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; R. Cole)3. Are We Resolved to Put Sin Out of Our Lives? (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R. Cole)4. What Is the Spiritual Meaning of Pentecost? (Pent., A.M.; R. Cole)5. Trumpets Represents Man's Only Hope (Trump., P.M.; R. Cole)6. A Roadmap for the Days Ahead (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)7. The Biblical Concept of the Ministry (4 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)8. The Place of Safety (F.O.T.; 3rd Day, A.M.; R. Cole)9. The Eleventh Hour (F.O.T.; 3rd Day, P.M.; R. Cole)10. The Conclusion of God's Mysterious Plan (L.G.D., P.M.; R.Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole)2. A Panoramic Sketch of the Days of Unleavened Bread (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R. Cole)3. The Bread of Christ (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; R. Cole)4. A Successful Count and Proclamation (Pent., P.M.; R. Cole)5. Four Questions About Atonement (Atone.; R. Cole)6. Why Are We Attending the Feast Here? (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)7. Are You a Proven Product? (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)8. Who or What Can We Trust? (F.O.T., 5th Day; R. Cole)9. Gray Areas in Our Lives (F.O.T., 7th Day; R. Cole)10. Physical Conditions During the Millennium (L.G.D., A.M.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole)2. The Natural Leavening of Man (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; R. Cole)3. The Spiritual Meaning of Unleavened Bread (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R. Cole)4. What Is the Pentecost Experience? (Pent., P.M.; R. Cole)5. What the Return of Christ Will Mean to This World (Trump., P.M.; R. Cole)6. Issues That Affect God's People (7 sermons, F.O.T. and L.G.D.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (R. Cole)2. An Opportunity to Strengthen Our Foundation (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R. Cole)3. Who Will Liberate Us? (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; R. Cole)4. What Is Pentecost? (Pent., P.M.; R. Cole)5. A Panoramic Sketch of the Book of Revelation (Trump., A.M.; R. Cole)6. All About Atonement (Atone., R. Cole)7. What Is the Purpose of the Feast? (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)8. All About Our God (3 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)9. How to Recognize False Gods (F.O.T., 5th Day; R. Cole)10. What Is a Witness? (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)11. The Testimony of God's Witnesses (L.G.D., P.M.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole; Unprocessed)2. What Can We Learn From the History of Ancient Israel? (2 sermons, U.B.; R. Cole)3. Are We Really Using the Holy Spirit? (Pent., A.M.; R. Cole)4. Why Pray for God's Kingdom? (Trump., P.M.; R. Cole)5. Who Can and Will Rule? (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)6. Christ—Creator and God (F.O.T., 2nd Day; R. Cole)7. Christ—The Son of Man (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)8. Create Peace—The Duty of a True Christian (F.O.T.; 5th Day, Eve.; R. Cole)9. Our Individual Spiritual Responsibilities (F.O.T., 7th Day; R. Cole)10. What Are God's Instructions for Us Today? (L.G.D., A.M.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole)2. An Outline of the Spring Feast (2 sermons, U.B.; R. Cole)3. Pentecost on God's Calendar (Pent., P.M.; R. Cole)4. A Promise of Christ Soon to Be Realized (Trump, A.M.; R. Cole)5. What It Means to Make an Atonement (Atone.; R. Cole)6. Planning Is Required to Keep the Feast (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)7. Why Pray, "Thy Kingdom Come"? (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., P.M.; R. Cole)8. The Purpose of the Ministry (F.O.T., 5 sermons; R. Cole)9. God's Plan Found in the Holy Days (L.G.D., P.M.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole)2. How and When We Are Really Unleavened (2 sermons, U.B.; R. Cole)3. Pentecost, P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)4. Trumpets—A Hope to Be Realized by Faith Only (Trump., A.M.; R. Cole)5. Foretaste of the Kingdom of God #2 (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)6. Love Is a Basic Requirement (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)7. Grace (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)8. Faith Is Vital (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)9. Peace Must Influence Everything That We Do (F.O.T., 7th Day; R. Cole)10. Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done (L.G.D., P.M.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole)2. Where Do You Stand This Year? (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; R. Cole)3. U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)4. Pentecost, P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)5. Thy Will Be Done on Earth (Trump., P.M.; R. Cole)6. F.O.T., Opening Night (R. Cole; Unprocessed)7. F.O.T.; 1st H.D., P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)8. The Contrast of God's Law and Mercy (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)9. F.O.T., 5th Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)10. F.O.T., 6th Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)11. F.O.T., 7th Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)12. L.G.D., P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)


    1. Passover (R. Cole; Unprocessed)2. Am I Really Overcoming? (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R. Cole)3. Use the Power of God's Holy Spirit (Pent., P.M.; R. Cole)4. What Does Trumpets Represent? (Trump., A.M.; R. Cole)5. What Does It Take to Be At One With God? (Atone.; R. Cole)6. Prepare for the Trials to Come (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)7. What Is the Kingdom of God? (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R. Cole)8. F.O.T.; 1st H.D., P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)9. F.O.T., 2nd Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)10. F.O.T., 3rd Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)11. F.O.T., 4th Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)12. F.O.T., 5th Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)13. F.O.T.; 6th Day, A.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)14. We All Must Decide (F.O.T.; 6th Day, P.M.; R. Cole)15. F.O.T., 7th Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)16. L.G.D., A.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)17. The Significance of God's Holy Days Known in Keeping Them (L.G.D., P.M.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole)2. The Manifestations of the Flesh (2 sermons, U.B.; R. Cole)3. Pentecost—The Next Step (Pent., A.M.; R. Cole)4. A Change Coming in the Wretched Course of Man (Trump., P.M.; R. Cole)5. What Is Godly Love? (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)6. The Nature of Government (5 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)7. At the Appointed Place Only (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)8. We Must See the Self (F.O.T., 7th Day; R. Cole)9. The Responsibility of the Laity (L.G.D., A.M.; R. Cole)10. What Are the Heavens Telling Us? (L.G.D., P.M.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole; Unprocessed)2. Known by Their Fruits (2 sermons, U.B.; R. Cole)3. Why Does God Require Ritualistic Obedience? (Pent., P.M.; R. Cole)4. Who Will Know Christ at His Return? (Trump., A.M.; R. Cole)5. The World Reconciled (Atone.; R. Cole)

    1993 Feast of Tabernacles; A Survey of Human Society (R.C.C.)

    1. Introduction2. The Rise of Babylon the Great3. What Part Will the Faithful Play?4. Babylon Must Be Replaced5. Leadership (2 sermons)6. The Premise of Business (5 sermons)7. The Social Fabric of Tomorrow


    1. Passover (R. Cole)2. Why Did Jesus Weep? (U.B., 2 sermons; R. Cole)3. Why Do We Need the Holy Spirit? (Pent., A.M.; R. Cole)4. Events Preceding the Return of Christ (Trump., P.M.; R. Cole)5. The Meaning and Purpose of Atonement (Atone.; R. Cole)6. The Holy Days Foreshadow Things to Come (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)7. How and When Does God Make Himself Known? (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)8. How Has God Addressed His Creation? (3 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)9. The Man Jesus Christ (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)10. Where Is Christ Since His Personal Days in the Flesh? (See WSE-RC 66)11. The Times of Salvation (2 sermons, L.G.D.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole)2. Can We Manifest True Conversion? (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; R. Cole)3. How Far Have We Come Out of Sin? (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R. Cole)4. How Did We Arrive at the Correct Day of Pentecost? (Pent., P.M.; R. Cole)5. For Trumpets, see WSE-RC 68-16. For Atonement, see WSE-RC 697. What Fruits Are You Producing? (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)8. The Temporary Fate of True Ministers (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)9. How to Discern True Ministers (F.O.T., 2nd Day; R. Cole)10. The Scope of Satanic Activity Today (5 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Cole)11. Responsibilities Within the Body (F.O.T., 7th Day; R. Cole)12. Some Will Deny Christ (L.G.D., A.M.; R. Cole)13. The Significance of Holy Days Within God's Calendar (L.G.D., P.M.; R. Cole)


    1. Passover (R. Cole)2. The Significance of Unleavened Bread in God's Plan (U.B., 2 sermons; R. Cole)3. In How Many Ways Do We Grieve the Holy Spirit? (Pentecost, P.M.; R. Cole)4. Trumpets, A.M. (R. Cole; See WSE-RC 65-2)5. What Does the Term "Afflict" Mean? (Atone.; R. Cole)

    1996 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; A Survey of Our Calling (R.C.C.)

    1. In the Beginning God . . .2. The Purpose of God3. What Is Man?4. Who and What Is Christ? (3 sermons)5. The Call of Israel6. A Call to Hear7. The Warfare Within8. Evidence of a Faithful Body8. The Way of Perishing9. Whose Time Is It?


    1. Passover (R. Cole; Unprocessed)2. U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)3. U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)4. Pentecost, A.M.; Live and Pre-recorded (R. Cole; Unprocessed)5. Trumpets, A.M. (R. Cole; See WSE-RC 68-2)6. Atonement (R. Cole; Unprocessed)7. F.O.T., Opening Night (R. Cole; Unprocessed)8. F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M. (J. Brisby; Unprocessed)9. F.O.T.; 1st H.D., P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)10. F.O.T., 2nd Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)11. Self-Confidence or Faith—Which? (F.O.T.; 3rd Day, A.M.; J. Brisby; Unprocessed)12. F.O.T.; 3rd Day, P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)13. F.O.T., 4th Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)14. F.O.T., 4th Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)15. F.O.T., 5th Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)16. F.O.T., 6th Day (J. Brisby; Unprocessed)17. F.O.T., 7th Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)18. Does the Church Teaching on Child Rearing Really Work? (L.G.D., A.M.; J. Brisby; Unprocessed)19. L.G.D., P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)20. Internal Turmoil in the Body in the Last Days (Sabb. after F.O.T.; R. Cole; Unprocessed)


    1. Passover (R. Cole; Unprocessed)2. U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)3. U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)4. U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)5. The Fundamentals of Pentecost (Pent., A.M.; J. Brisby; Unprocessed)6. How Are We Using the Holy Spirit? (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby; Unprocessed)7. Pentecost, P.M.; Pre-recorded (R. Cole; Unprocessed)8. Trumpets, P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)9. Atonement (R. Cole; Unprocessed)10. F.O.T., Opening Night (R. Cole; Unprocessed)11. F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M. (J. Brisby; Unprocessed)12. F.O.T.; 1st H.D., P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)13. F.O.T., 2nd Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)14. F.O.T., 3rd Day (J. Brisby; Unprocessed)15. F.O.T., 4th Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)16. F.O.T., 5th Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)17. F.O.T.; 6th Day, A.M. (J. Brisby; Unprocessed)18. F.O.T.; 6th Day, P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)19. F.O.T., 7th Day (R. Cole; Unprocessed)20. L.G.D., A.M. (J. Brisby; Unprocessed)21. L.G.D., P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (R. Cole; Unprocessed)2. U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)3. U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)4. U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)5. U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)6. Pentecost, A.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)7. Pentecost, P.M. (J. Brisby; Unprocessed)8. Trumpets, A.M. (J. Brisby; Unprocessed)9. Trumpets, P.M. (R. Cole; Unprocessed)10. Atonement (R. Cole; Unprocessed)11. F.O.T.; Newport, OR (12 sermons, J. Brisby; Unprocessed)12. F.O.T.; Townsend, TN (12 sermons, R. Cole; Unprocessed)


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (R. Cole; J. Brisby)2. Israel's Failure Is a Warning for Us (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; J. Brisby)3. The Physical Creation Is a Reminder of Spiritual Things (UB; 1st HD, PM; R.C.C.)4. God Is Proving His People in the Last Days (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R. Cole)5. Potential Areas of Unbelief in Our Lives (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. A Monday Pentecost—How to Be Certain (Pent., A.M.; J. Brisby)7. A Monday Pentecost—How to Count It (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. Pentecost, A.M and P.M.; Pre-recorded (J. Brisby, R. Cole; Unprocessed)9. The Promise of Christ's Second Coming (Trump., A.M.; R. Cole)10. A Victorious Second Coming (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)11. Atonement and the Holy Days Within God's Calendar (Atone.; R. Cole)12. The Two Goats of Leviticus 16 (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2000 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Where God Placed His Name (F.O.T., Opening Night; R. Cole)2. Why Are We Here? (F.O.T., Opening Night; J. Brisby)3. The Times of Salvation (L.G.D., A.M.; R. Cole)4. The Things We Must Endure (L.G.D., P.M.; R. Cole)5. The Truth About the Resurrections (2 sermons, L.G.D.; J. Brisby)

    2000 Feast of Tabernacles; Our Relationship With the Father and the Son (R.C.C.)

    1. The Characteristics of the Father2. We Must Come to Know the Father3. The Historical Christ4. The Work of Christ (2 sermons)5. The Continuing Body of Christ (For the complete series, please see WSE-RC 93.)

    2000 Feast of Tabernacles; Leadership Within God's Plan (J.W.B.)

    1. Leadership—Christian Principles2. Leadership—Fact and Fiction3. Unity of Purpose—The Northbound Train4. Good Leaders Have Training and Experience5. Good Leaders Have Vision6. Good Leaders Have Character7. Good Leaders Possess Wisdom8. Good Leaders Are Courageous and Strong9. Good Leaders Are Compassionate and Merciful


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (R. Cole; J. Brisby)2. Our Measuring Tool for Overcoming (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; J. Brisby)3. What Is Sin? (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; R. Cole)4. Can We Be an Independent Christian? (U.B; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R. Cole)5. Harnessing the Tongue (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. The Significance of Firstfruits (Pent., A.M.; J. Brisby)7. Correcting the Defect in Man (Pent., P.M.; R. Cole)8. Will We Recognize Christ at His Return? (Trump., A.M.; J. Brisby)9. The Reconciliation of Atonement—Why and How? (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2001 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Spiritual Warfare (J.W.B.)

    1. It Is a War2. What Are We Fighting for and Against?3. Loins Girt About With Truth4. The Breastplate of Righteousness5. A Soldier's Morale6. The Gospel of Peace7. The Shield of Faith8. The Helmet of Salvation9. The Sword of the Spirit10. The Complete Armor11. Glorious Victory Awaits12. A Living Sacrifice (F.O.T., Pre-recorded message; J. Brisby)


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. The Road Not Taken (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)3. Is God Fighting Our Battles? (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; J. Brisby)4. Is the Holy Spirit With Us? (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)5. The Return of Jesus Christ (Trump., A.M.; J. Brisby)6. Satan Will Be Removed From the Throne (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2002 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. A Picture of the Millennium (F.O.T., Opening Night; J. Brisby)2. Why Are We Here? (F.O.T., 4th Day; J. Brisby)3. The Great White Throne Judgment (L.G.D., A.M.; J. Brisby)4. Our Future—Now and Beyond (L.G.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)

    2002 Feast of Tabernacles; Good Stewardship (J.W.B.)

    1. Good Stewardship—Overview2. First Things First3. Stewardship in Family Relationships4. Stewardship in the Body of Christ5. Tithing Basics6. Tithing Details and Controversies7. Personal Finance (2 sermons)


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. The Real Value of Grace (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; J. Brisby)3. By Mercy and Truth, Iniquity Is Purged (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. The Spirit of a Sound Mind (Pent., A.M.; J. Brisby)5. What Can We Know About the Return of Christ? (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. The Azazel Goat and the Lot of Satan (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2003 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Our Tests Are Now (F.O.T., 4th Day; J. Brisby)2. The Kingdom of God Is Among You (L.G.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)

    2003 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Family and Children in God's Plan (J.W.B.)

    1. Parent-Child Relationships2. The God Family Plan3. Family Is Sacred4. The Family Under Fire5. What Makes a Child Tick?6. Child Rearing by Example7. The Basics of Child Rearing (2 sermons)8. The Church Family9. The Final God Family Members


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. Night to Be Much Observed (L. Whitaker)3. Do You Know How to Love? (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; J. Brisby)4. Holy Shewbread Today (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; R.W. Litz)5. Sin No More (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)6. Heresy and God's Love (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)7. The Gospel for the Firstfruits (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. The Fall of Jericho and the Return of Christ (Trump., A.M.; J. Brisby)9. Why Is Fasting Necessary on Atonement? (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2004 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Passing Many Tests (F.O.T., 4th Day; L. Whitaker)2. Inspiring Experiences in God's Church (F.O.T., 4th Day; J. Byrd)3. Insight Beyond the Millennium (L.G.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)4. The Final Judgment (L.G.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)

    2004 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Obstacles to the Kingdom of God (J.W.B.)

    1. Overcoming Obstacles to Glory2. The Truth Formula3. The Work, Growth, and Numbers4. Prophecy5. Recognizing Self6. Desire for Change7. Cares of the World8. Weariness in Well-Doing9. Lack of Faith10. Become as Little Children


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. Will You Be an Honorable Vessel? (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; L. Whitaker)3. Vacillating Between Two Natures (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)4. Your Exodus Out of Sin (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)5. Removing Physical Leaven—Is It Important? (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. When Will the Church Be Ready? (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; J. Brisby)7. What Is the Unpardonable Sin? (Pent., A.M.; J. Brisby)8. Escape the Great Transgression (Pent., P.M.; R.J. Litz)9. The Book of the Redeemer (Pent., P.M.; R.W. Litz)10. The Coming Holy War (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)11. The Significance of Atonement in God's Plan (Atone.; L. Whitaker)

    2005 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. God Loves and Rewards Obedience (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Byrd)2. Health in Tomorrow's World (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R.J. Litz)3. On Eagles' Wings #1 (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.W. Litz)4. Are We Prepared to Inherit Eternal Life? (F.O.T., 4th Day; L. Whitaker)5. Familiar Spirits (F.O.T.; 5th Day, P.M.; J. Byrd)6. The Broken Vessel (L.G.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)7. A Time When the Earth Will Be Blessed (L.G.D., A.M.; L. Whitaker)

    2005 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; The Restitution of All Things (J.W.B.)

    1. Christ, the Redeemer2. The Restoration of Government3. The Restoration of the Earth4. The Restoration of Truth5. Divine Healing6. The Restoration of Races7. The Restoration of Families8. The Restoration of All Peoples


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. Why Trials, Tests, and Troubles? (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; L. Whitaker)3. Overcoming Addictions to Sin (2 sermons, U.B.; J. Brisby)4. Ultimate Salvation Revolves Around Conditioning (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; R.J. Litz)5. The Leaven of Unbelief (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; R.W. Litz)6. The Wisdom From Above (Pent., A.M.; L. Whitaker)7. Let None Deal Treacherously (Pent., P.M.; R.W. Litz)8. Christ, the First Begotten (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)9. Has Christ Delayed His Coming? (Trump., A.M.; J. Brisby)10. Trumpets and Your Conditional Future (Trump., P.M.; R.J. Litz)11. Satanic Influence Today (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2006 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. One Church, One Truth (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., P.M.; L. Whitaker)2. A Little Child Shall Lead Them (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., P.M.; R.W. Litz)3. Prosperity and Health—Today and Tomorrow (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.J. Litz)4. Mr. Byrd Goes to Prison (F.O.T., 4th Day; J. Byrd)5. To Endure, We Must Possess Spiritual Hardness (5th Day, P.M.; L. Whitaker)6. The Good Samaritan (F.O.T.; 5th Day, P.M.; R.W. Litz)7. The Last Judgment and the Third Resurrection (L.G.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)8. We Must Follow Christ's Example (L.G.D., A.M.; J. Byrd)

    2006 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Abundant Life—Today and Tomorrow (J.W.B.)

    1. Abundant Life—What Is It?2. Foundation—God's Law3. State of Mind and Abundance4. Work and Self-Discipline5. Become Teachable6. Abundance Through Honesty7. Self-Sacrifice and Giving8. Abundance Tomorrow


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. What Is Our Responsibility? (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; L. Whitaker)3. Be Ye Separate (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. Is the World Inside Your Home? (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; J. Brisby)5. The Spirit of Truth (Pent., A.M.; J. Brisby)6. The Holy Spirit Is True Vision (Pent., P.M.; L. Whitaker)7. The Message of Pentecost (Pent., P.M.; R.J. Litz)8. Prepare Now to Meet the Lord (Trump., A.M.; R.W. Litz)9. Did Christ Really Die? (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. Why Atonement? (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2007 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Our Hope of Glory (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., P.M.; R.J. Litz)2. Just What Is the Kingdom of God? (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., P.M.; R.W. Litz)3. Thy Kingdom Come (F.O.T., 2nd Day; L. Whitaker)4. Stumbling at the Law (3 sermons, F.O.T.; L.G.D.; R.J. Litz)5. The Book of Jonah (F.O.T.; 3rd Day, A.M.; R.W. Litz)6. God's Sanctuary (F.O.T.; 3rd Day, P.M.; L. Whitaker)7. The Nazarite Vow (F.O.T., 5th Day; R.W. Litz)8. Joel—A Message of Urgency (L.G.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)9. What Can We Know About the White Throne Judgment? (L.G.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)

    2007 Feast of Tabernacles; The Millennium and the Liberty of Jubilee (J.W.B.)

    1. God's Symbols of Rest and Release2. Analysis of the Seventh-Year Release3. Analysis of the Jubilee4. Release Implications for Society5. Sabbath Keeping Requires Faith6. We Must Release7. The Jubilee to Come


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. At the Crossroads of Failure or Overcoming (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; L. Whitaker)3. Behold, the Egyptians Marched After Them (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)4. Rooting Out Human Pride (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)5. Beware of Spiritual Leaven (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)6. Resist Unto Blood (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)7. Stir Up the Spirit (Pent., A.M.; L. Whitaker)8. The Creative Power of God's Holy Spirit (Pent., A.M.; J. Byrd)9. The Distinction of a Monday Pentecost (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. Trumpets—A Shadow of Things to Come (Trump., A.M.; L. Whitaker)11. Don't Be Ashamed at His Coming (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)12. Fasting for Reconciliation (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2008 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Birth Pains (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R.W. Litz)2. Can We Be Deceived and Fail? (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., P.M.; L. Whitaker)3. Does God Create Hate? (2 sermons, F.O.T.; L.G.D.; J. Byrd)4. What Are You Thinking? (F.O.T., 3rd Day; R.J. Litz)5. Growing to Spiritual Adulthood (F.O.T.; 5th Day, A.M.; R.J. Litz)6. In Your Patience, Possess Ye Your Souls (L.G.D., A.M.; L. Whitaker)

    2008 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Entering Into His Rest (J.W.B.)

    1. Type and Anti-Type of Israel and the Church2. A Cloud by Day and Fire by Night3. Blessings/Curses for Obedience/Disobedience4. The Lord Shall Fight for You5. Prove Me Now Herewith6. Because of Unbelief7. Their Carcasses Fell in the Wilderness8. The Value of a Promise


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. The Nations Will Come to Understand (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; J. Byrd)3. Who Really Accepts Christ? (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. The Leaven of False Doctrine (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)5. Identify Your Sensitivities to the Faith (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. The Meaning of the True Day of Pentecost (Pent., A.M.; L. Whitaker)7. How to Use the Spirit (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. Why the Seven Last Plagues? (Trump., A.M.; R.J. Litz)9. Babylon Is Fallen (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. Hope for the World (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2009 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. The Gifts and Promises of God (2 sermons, F.O.T.; J. Byrd)2. Thy Kingdom Come (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., P.M.; R.J. Litz)3. Avoid Them (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.W. Litz)4. Who Is the Breaker? (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.J. Litz)5. The Second Resurrection (L.G.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)

    2009 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Warnings to the Last-Day Church (J.W.B.)

    1. Context for Revelation 2 and 32. Ephesus: Misguided Loyalty3. Pergamos: Rejecting Law4. Thyatira: Subterfuge5. Sardis: Weariness6. Laodicea: No Government7. Smyrna: Martyrs8. Philadelphia: Protected


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. The Sin of Materialism (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)3. We Have No King but Caesar (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. Did We Leave Some for Seed? (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; J. Byrd)5. Choosing Christ Over Caesar (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. Obedience Before the Comforter (Pent., A.M.; R.J. Litz)7. One Chance Only (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. The Night the Trumpet Blew (Trump., A.M.; R.W. Litz)9. The Warrior King (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. For God So Loved the World (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2010 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. What Do You Mean, the "Feast of Tabernacles?" (1st H.D., P.M.; R.W. Litz)2. A Better Resurrection (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., P.M.; R.J. Litz)3. Law and Grace (2 sermons, F.O.T.; L.G.D.; J. Byrd)4. Who Is "That Prophet?" (F.O.T., 5th Day; R.J. Litz)5. For 5th Day by Richard Litz, please see "The Parables of Christ"

    2010 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Coming to Know and Trust God (J.W.B.)

    1. We Must Come to Know Him2. Understanding God's Power3. The Character of God (2 sermons)4. God's Judgments Manifest His Character5. Our Prayers Reveal Our View of God6. God Is Not a Man7. The World Will Know Him


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. For U.B. 1st H.D., A.M. by Richard Litz, please see "The Parables of Christ"3. The Light of Correction (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. Spiritual Lethargy—Enemy No. 1 (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)5. Navigating Your Path to Salvation (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. The Words That I Speak Are Spirit (Pent., A.M.; J. Byrd)7. Four Counts to a Monday Pentecost (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. A World Change in One Day (Trump., A.M.; R.J. Litz)9. Child Rearing and Trumpets (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. Understanding Brings Enlightenment and Accountability (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2011 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. The Feast of Tabernacles and the Millennium (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; J. Byrd)2. Insight Into Utopia (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)3. God's Promises—Positive and Negative (F.O.T., 4th Day; J. Byrd)4. A Woman Shall Compass a Man (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.J. Litz)5. For Richard Litz's sermons, please see "The Parables of Christ"

    2011 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Preserving Your Life (J.W.B.)

    1. The Hope to Be Saved2. The Salvation Paradox3. To Lose Your Life4. Idolatry (2 sermons)5. Fear Is Your Enemy6. A Separation to Come7. To Save the World


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. What Is the Unleavened Shewbread? (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)3. Triggers to Sin (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. Learn and Practice Wrong-Thought Restraint (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)5. Are We Playing Church? (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. Strange Fire (Pent., A.M.; R.W. Litz)7. A Sound Mind (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. Blow Ye the Trumpet (Trump., A.M.; J. Byrd)9. Trumpets and God's Calendar (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. Fasting as an Investment (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2012 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Do You Live According to the Flesh or the Spirit? (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; J. Byrd)2. For 1st H.D., A.M. by Richard Litz, please see "The Parables of Christ"3. A Foundation in the Truth (F.O.T., 2nd Day; D. Brandenburg)4. Be Clothed With Humility (F.O.T.; 6th Day, A.M.; R.J. Litz)5. Are You a Sheep or a Goat? (F.O.T.; 6th Day, A.M.; R.W. Litz)6. Sarah's Plan and God's Will (F.O.T.; 6th Day, A.M.; J. Byrd)7. Christ—A Robot or a Free Moral Agent? (L.G.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)8. An Antidote for the Last Days (L.G.D., A.M.; D. Brandenburg)

    2012 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; True Growth Since 1972 (J.W.B.)

    1. What Is Growth?2. Growth Through the Truth Formula3. Doctrine, Prophecy, and Administration4. The Ministry and Administration5. The Subject of Prophecy6. Understanding the Work7. New Knowledge for Avoiding Traps8. Deeper Knowledge of God's Plan


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. How Are We Doing With the Basics? (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; D. Brandenburg)3. What's in a Name? (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. Exceptions Deceptions (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)5. Using God's Name in Vain (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. Prevent Spiritual Stagnation (Pent., A.M.; R.J. Litz)7. Discerning the Spirits (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. The Key to a Happy Life (Trump., A.M.; D. Brandenburg)9. Judgement Is Now (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. An Introduction to Christ (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2013 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Are We Acknowledging God or Ignoring Him? #1 - #3 (F.O.T.; L.G.D.; D.B.)2. The Importance of Prophecy (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)3. Turkey in Prophecy (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.W. Litz)4. The Stones Became One (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)5. God Is a Growing Family (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.J. Litz)6. What Is Anti-Christ? (F.O.T.; 3rd Day, A.M.; J. Byrd)

    2013 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; The Framework of the Church (J.W.B.)

    1. The Church Christ Promised2. Holy Convocations Require Framing3. Baptism Requires Framing4. The Body Must Be Fed5. Administrative Judgments6. Tithing Within the Framework7. Divine Healing Within the Framework8. Christ's Framework to Test All


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. Guard Your Mind Against Compromise (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)3. Offering Forgiveness (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. Fulfilling the Intent of the Exodus (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)5. Receiving Forgiveness (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. The Power of the Hero (Pent., A.M.; D. Brandenburg)7. The Church of the Monday Pentecost (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. The Revealing of God's Glory (Trump., A.M.; R.W. Litz)9. The Basis for Judgement (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. Reconciliation Through the Faith (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2014 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Are We Acknowledging God or Ignoring Him? #4 - #5 (F.O.T.; L.G.D.; D.B.)2. Christ's Mind Creates the Second Eve (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)3. The Two-Part Role of Christ's Eve (F.O.T.; 3rd Day, A.M.; R.J. Litz)4. Anger—A Lethal Work of the Flesh (F.O.T., 5th Day; R.W. Litz)5. The Sin of Pride (L.G.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)

    2014 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Confirming the Faith Once Delivered (J.W.B.)

    1. Our Commitment to the Faith Once Delivered2. How Did God Deliver the Faith?3. The History of the WCG Teachings4. Reconciling Divine Inspiration With Human Mistakes5. One Doctrine at a Time6. Alternative Definitions of the Faith7. What Is Not Part of the Faith8. The Faith Concerning the White Throne Judgment


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. The Leaven of Hypocrisy and Unbelief (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)3. Remember the Law (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. The Test of Liberty (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; D. Brandenburg)5. Remember Your Blessings (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. The Difference Between Character and Being a Character (Pent., A.M.; D.B.)7. Are the Firstfruits Better? (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. I Will Return—Singular (Trump., A.M.; R.J. Litz)9. Thy Kingdom Come (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. A Sin Offering for the World (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2015 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Are We Acknowledging God or Ignoring Him? #6 - #7 (F.O.T.; L.G.D.; D.B.)2. The Stones of Destiny (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)3. On Eagle's Wings #2 (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.W. Litz)4. Follow the Lamp (F.O.T.; 6th Day, A.M.; R.J. Litz)

    2015 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; The Millennium—A Test (J.W.B.)

    1. The Physical Restoration2. The Restoration of Government and Truth3. Who Is the Millennium for?4. The Millennium Is a Test Period5. The Enemy During the Millennium6. Conversion in the Millennium7. The Millennial Test Unfolds8. The Final Test for Man


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. Causes of Spiritual Fruitlessness (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)3. Agreeing Is Believing (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. 7 Words (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; D. Brandenburg)5. How Blessed Are You? (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. The Power That Saves Us (Pent., A.M.; R.W. Litz)7. Be Ready to Answer: Why a Monday Pentecost? (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. The Journey to Ness (Trump., A.M.; D. Brandenburg)9. The Reality of His Coming (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. Fasting and Reconciliation (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2016 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. The Marriage Covenants (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)2. Will Christ Marry You? (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)3. Sermonette: A Personal Introduction (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., P.M.; R.G. Burke)4. Sermonette: The Truth in Our Lives (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.G. Burke)5. God's Divine Jealousy (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.W. Litz)6. Keep Your Word (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.J. Litz)7. Are We Acknowledging God or Ignoring Him? #8 - #9 (F.O.T.; L.G.D.; D.B.)8. With Whom Will He Share His Glory? (L.G.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)

    2016 Feast of Tabernacles; Do We Believe His Prayer? (J.W.B.)

    1. Hallowed Be Thy Name2. Thy Kingdom Come3. Thy Will Be Done4. Our Daily Bread5. Forgive Us Our Debts6. Deliver Us From Evil7. Power and Glory Forever


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. The Bread of Affliction (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)3. A Way of Life (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. True Repentance Toward God (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)5. Whose Way? (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. What Does Pentecost Mean to Me? (Pent., A.M.; R. Burke)7. Power Against Offense (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. The Battle Is the Lord's (Trump., A.M.; R.W. Litz)9. What the Rising From the Dead Should Mean (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. Key Elements of Atonement (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2017 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Why So Few in Number? (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R.W. Litz)2. Babylonianism—What Is It? (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R. Burke)3. Our Conversion Process (F.O.T.; 3rd Day, A.M.; R. Burke)4. Action Required to Become Part of Christ's Wife (F.O.T.; 3rd Day, A.M.; R.J. Litz)5. Are We Thinking Like Cain, Balaam or Korah? (F.O.T., 4th Day; R. Burke)6. We Need to Be Faithful and Endure (L.G.D., A.M.; R. Burke)7. Prove the Revealed Truth (L.G.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)

    2017 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Sin, Righteousness and Judgment (J.W.B.)

    1. Our Hope for the Kingdom2. Reproving the World3. Reproving the World of Sin (2 sermons)4. Reproving the World of Righteousness (2 sermons)5. Reproving the World of Judgment (2 sermons)


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. The Exodus Experience (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)3. True Justice (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. O God, Correct Me (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)5. The Light of Your Justice (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. The Song of Unity (Pent., A.M.; R.W. Litz)7. Are We Sure? (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. Are We Listening to the Trumpet? (Trump., A.M.; R. Burke)9. Marriage and Resurrections (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. The "Rest" Are Not Less (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2018 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. A Whale of a Tale (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R.W. Litz)2. How Do You View the Truth? (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R. Burke)3. Israel and Lessons for Us Today (2 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Burke)4. The Apostle Paul and Rebellion (L.G.D., A.M.; R. Burke)5. Humility Has Value (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.J. Litz)6. Get in the Wheelbarrow (F.O.T.; 6th Day, A.M.; R.J. Litz)

    2018 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Drink From the Fountain of Life (J.W.B.)

    1. Defeating Fear2. Defeating Unbelief3. Defeating Abominations4. Defeating Murder5. Defeating Whoredoms6. Defeating Sorcery7. Defeating Idolatry8. Defeating Lying in the White Throne Era


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. Thinking Differently During Unleavened Bread (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.G. Burke)3. Embrace His Foundation (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. The Sanctity of Blood (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)5. Building Upon That Foundation (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. The Power to Live Righteously (Pent., A.M.; R.J. Litz)7. In Spirit and in Truth (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. Is the Return of Jesus Christ a Priority for Us? (Trump., A.M.; R. Burke)9. The Reality of Regime Change (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. What Curses Will Be Lifted? (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2019 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. How Do We Think About God? (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R. Burke)2. Housetops (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)3. Do We Fear God? (F.O.T., 4th Day; R. Burke)4. The Unpardonable Sin (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.J. Litz)5. Basic Traits and Characteristics of God (F.O.T.; 6th Day, A.M.; R. Burke)6. War of Two Opposing Wills (F.O.T.; 6th Day, A.M.; R.J. Litz)7. God's Overall Plan (L.G.D., A.M.; R. Burke)8. The Last Great Judgment (L.G.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)

    2019 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; The Nature of God Reconfirmed (J.W.B.)

    1. The Concept of God2. The Basic Nature of God (2 sermons)3. Attributes of God (2 sermons)4. The God Family Plan5. How Can Two Be One?6. Can You Handle Such Power?


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. The Continual Unleavened Showbread (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)3. Wait Upon the Lord (U.B., J. Brisby; 2 sermons)4. Unleavened Bread and Conversion (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R. Burke)5. Use It, or Lose It (Pent., A.M.; R.J. Litz)6. Adam, You and the Holy Spirit (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)7. The Plagues of Egypt and Our Attitudes (Trump., A.M.; R. Burke)8. Not of This World (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)9. No Loose Ends (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2020 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Attitudes and Efforts (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R. Burke)2. Is God a Racist? (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)3. Will You Deny Christ? (F.O.T., 4th Day; R. Burke)4. Works and Grace Homogenized (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.J. Litz)5. On the Wings of Faith (F.O.T.; 5th Day, A.M.; R.W. Litz)6. The Tests of Christ (F.O.T.; 5th Day, P.M.; R. Burke)7. What Do We Know About the Last Great Day? (L.G.D., A.M.; R. Burke)8. The Dead Live Again (L.G.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)

    2020 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Man's Solutions vs. God's Solutions (J.W.B.)

    1. Who Can Save Us?2. Why Do We Exist?3. Why and How to Save the Earth? (2 sermons)4. Who Really Knows How to Govern?5. Who Knows Best for Families?6. Medical Wisdom Through God or Man?7. Why Seek the God Family?


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. Can We Find Something New? (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R. Burke)3. Spiritual Cleansing (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. Become a Gem of Submission (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R.J. Litz)5. Physical Cleanliness (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. Preparing Yourself Now for Eternal Life (Pent., A.M.; R. Burke)7. Corrupting Wave Sheaf Corrupted Pentecost (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. A Church in Labor Pains (Trump., A.M.; R.W. Litz)9. An Alien UFO Is Coming! (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. Now We See (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2021 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Are You Doing a Good Job With Your Calling? (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R. Burke)2. A Sickness That Leads to Death (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R.W. Litz)3. Do You Like God, or the Things He Gives You More? (F.O.T., 2nd Day; R. Burke)4. The Fig Tree Cursed (F.O.T., 4th Day; R.W. Litz)5. Decisions Under Pressure (F.O.T.; 5th Day, A.M.; R. Burke)6. Are You Fighting Christ? (L.G.D., A.M.; R. Burke)

    2021 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Prophecy That Matters (J.W.B.)

    1. The Purposes of God's Prophecies2. Prophecies of Hope3. Prophecies to Confirm God4. Prophecies of Basic Instruction5. Prophecies That Warn (2 sermons)6. Prophecies That Encourage7. Prophecies of Completion


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. For UB 1st H.D. A.M., see 1985 UB 1st H.D. P.M. from RCC3. Deadly Denial vs. Godly Denial (2 sermons, U.B.; J. Brisby)4. Next Steps in Our Conversion (U.B.; 2nd H.D., A.M.; R. Burke)5. For Pentecost A.M., see 1985 Pentecost P.M. from RCC6. Humility in Keeping Monday (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)7. Are You Prepared for Christ's Return? (Trump., A.M.; R.G. Burke)8. Christ Will Teach the Nations (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)9. No Reconciliation Without Knowledge (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2022 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Prayer and Your Conversion (F.O.T.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R. Burke)2. Conversion Checklist (F.O.T., 3rd Day; R. Burke)3. The Affliction and Patience of the Prophets (F.O.T.; 6th Day, A.M.; R. Burke)4. Satan's Tactics (L.G.D., A.M.; R. Burke)

    2022 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Teaching the Nations (J.W.B.)

    1. The Millennial School2. Why Do They Need Teaching?3. Who Is Qualified to Teach?4. What—Me Evil?5. Rules for Healthy Families6. What Really Is Love?7. Personal Responsibility8. The "Rod of Iron" Rule Ends


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. Do You Think Like God or Satan? (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R. Burke)3. Christ, the Unleavened Bread (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. For 2nd H.D., A.M., see 2004 U.B. 1st H.D., A.M. by Richard Litz5. Pay Your Vows (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. For Pentecost A.M., see 2010 Pentecost A.M. from RJL7. The Significance of Two Counts (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. The Test Formula (Trump., A.M.; R.G. Burke)9. Babylon's Army (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. Deprogramming the World (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2023 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Provocations of Israel (3 sermons, F.O.T.; R. Burke)2. What Do We Know? (L.G.D., A.M.; R. Burke)

    2023 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Babylon: Past, Present, and Future (J.W.B.)

    1. Know Your Enemy2. Origins of Babylon in Ancient History (2 sermons)3. Manifestations of Babylon Through the Ages4. Hallmarks of Real Babylonianism5. Babylon Present Day6. Babylon Prophecies to Come7. Babylon Final Ending


    1. Passover and Night to Be Much Observed (J. Brisby)2. Christ Suffered for Us (U.B.; 1st H.D., A.M.; R. Burke)3. Beware Self-Deception (U.B.; 1st H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)4. For 2nd H.D., A.M., see 2016 U.B. 1st H.D., A.M. by Robert Litz5. Behold, the Man (U.B.; 2nd H.D., P.M.; J. Brisby)6. Prophecies and Misunderstanding of Messiah (Pent., A.M.; R. Burke)7. Power From Within (Pent., P.M.; J. Brisby)8. For Trump. A.M., see 2010 Trump. A.M., R.W.L.9. Progressive Warnings (Trump., P.M.; J. Brisby)10. Benefits of Atonement (Atone.; J. Brisby)

    2024 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day

    1. Understanding Satan's Kingdom (4 sermons, F.O.T. and L.G.D.; R. Burke)

    2024 Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day; Why Keep the Feast? (J.W.B.)

    1. Because God Said So2. Belief in God3. A Picture of Paradise4. Good Things Now5. God's Spiritual Promises6. Respecting God's Method7. Grudging Compliance8. All Happy Endings

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